[gnutls-devel] Guile-GnuTLS | Missing zeros in digest/sha* output (#18)

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Mon Aug 21 04:33:32 CEST 2023

Marius Bakke created an issue: https://gitlab.com/gnutls/guile/-/issues/18


I wrote a simple sha256sum procedure:

(define (digest-sha256 str)
   (map (cut format #f "~x" <>)
        (bytevector->u8-list (hash-direct digest/sha256
                                          (string->utf8 str))))


(digest-sha256 "test")
# echo -n test | sha256sum -

It seems there should be a 0 between `f0` and `a` at the end.  Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?

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