[gnutls-devel] GnuTLS | Building with nettle 3.9.1 does not work due to duplicated symbols (#1537)

Read-only notification of GnuTLS library development activities gnutls-devel at lists.gnutls.org
Sun Mar 31 23:47:11 CEST 2024

Daiki Ueno commented: https://gitlab.com/gnutls/gnutls/-/issues/1537#note_1839164737

`devel/import-from-nettle.sh` is a script used by maintainers to import Nettle source code, so it's not part of distribution tarball, but only in the repository.

You can use the following patch, which directly modify the copied file:
--- rsa-sign-tr.c.orig	2024-04-01 06:45:19.472756820 +0900
+++ rsa-sign-tr.c	2024-04-01 06:43:41.834480100 +0900
@@ -40,6 +40,8 @@
 #include <assert.h>
 #include "gmp-glue.h"
+#define nettle_rsa_compute_root_tr _gnutls_nettle_backport_rsa_compute_root_tr
 #include <nettle/rsa.h>
 #include "rsa-internal.h"

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