[Help-gnutls] Re: cannot build outside the source directory

Gerrit P. Haase gp at familiehaase.de
Fri Sep 17 01:42:55 CEST 2004

Hello Simon,

nice to meet you;)

>> Why do you force the user to build inside the source tree?
>> Do you build inside the source tree?  Why???

> Hello, and thanks for the report.  I believe this has been fixed in
> the development branch.  If you need it fixed in the stable branch
> too, please send a (tested) patch to speed up the process.

Ok, a patch against the currenty release tarball is attached.  I
compiledand installed outside the source directory with this patch
applied.  I have not done much testing of the binaries, but sionce
here only the build procedure is affected, I think it should be ok.

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