[Help-gnutls] Re: Getting srp - tls to work -- Please Help

Simon Josefsson simon at josefsson.org
Sat Dec 9 10:30:29 CET 2006

"Avasarala Ranjit-A20990" <ranjit at motorola.com> writes:

> Hi
> I am trying to run the srp client/server and getting following errors:
> /client-srp-tls
> *** Handshake failed
> GNUTLS ERROR: A TLS packet with unexpected length was received.
> Segmentation fault
> ./echo-srp-server
> Echo Server ready. Listening to port '5556'.
> - connection from, port 34905
> *** Handshake has failed (Decryption has failed.)
> How do I proceed further? Should I be using the srp password file?

Yes, you'll need a working srp password file.  Btw, that crash looks
bad.  What's the source for 'client-srp-tls'?  Is it an example that
came with GnuTLS?  I can't find anything by that name in the GnuTLS


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