[Help-gnutls] GNUTLS ERROR: A TLS packet with unexpected length was received.

darkdemun darkdemun at gmail.com
Wed Aug 27 01:01:21 CEST 2008

Hi, I'm making a SSL IRC bot just for learning. The thing is I get "GNUTLS
ERROR: A TLS packet with unexpected length was received." when handshaking
every 4 connections (and if i keep trying to connect it'll keep happening
till i wait for a bit) and i have no idea why, I have attached a log from
Also I don't get the error when connecting to a inspircd server (only tried
connecting to unrealircd servers), I'm using x509 certificate authentication
and basically using the code from the examples. I'm using windows by the
way, If any of you could help i'd greatly appreciate it.

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