[Help-gnutls] Re: GnuTLS: Failed to Import Certificate '/usr/local/httpd2.2/conf/ssl.pfh/certificate.crt': (-34) Base64 decoding error.

Simon Josefsson simon at josefsson.org
Fri Feb 6 19:53:20 CET 2009

Andrew Hole <andremailinglist at gmail.com> writes:

> Hi guys!
> We are getting the following error:
> GnuTLS: Failed to Import Certificate
> '/usr/local/httpd2.2/conf/ssl.pfh/certificate.crt': (-34) Base64 decoding
> error.
> We cannot find any documentation regarding this error. Do you have any idea
> what's the problem and how to solve it?

What is the content of the file?  The error is a low-level parse error,
so most likely there is something wrong with the file.


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