gnutls is unable to get x509 certificate

Tomasz Welman tomasz.welman at
Thu Nov 19 09:02:59 CET 2009


The problem is that I am using LDAP, and ldaps://, but it doesn't work.
With the help op openldap guys, I've tracked down the issue to be gnutls 

The full description (with (hopefully all of the) debugging info) is here:

Tomasz 'Trog' Welman
Software Developer
external: 48-12-628-9449
ITN: 34819449
T/L: 9449

IBM SWG Lab, Krakow, Poland
IBM Polska Sp. z o.o. oddział w Krakowie
ul. Armii Krajowej 18 30 -150 Kraków
NIP: 526-030-07-24, KRS 0000012941
Kapitał zakładowy: 33.000.000 PLN
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