Possible bug in CRQ code, or possible user error?

Richard Moore rich at kde.org
Wed Dec 5 00:09:02 CET 2012


I've been trying to access the name fields of certificate requests
using gnutls, and I'm not getting any joy, I've included the code
below. Is this something I'm doing wrong, or is there a bug here? I
always get -56 (The requested data were not available). I've looked
over the test cases for this case, and accessing these fields doesn't
seem to be covered. Any hints?



QStringList CertificateRequest::nameEntryInfo(Certificate::EntryType attribute)
    QStringList result;
#if 0
    int index = 0;
    QByteArray buffer(1024, 0);
    size_t size = buffer.size();
    do {
        d->errno = gnutls_x509_crq_get_attribute_data(d->crq, index,
buffer.data(), &size);
        result << QString::fromUtf8(buffer);
        qDebug() << d->errno << gnutls_strerror(d->errno) << buffer;
    } while(GNUTLS_E_SUCCESS == d->errno);

    QByteArray oid = entrytype_to_oid(attribute);
    if (oid.isNull())
        return result;

    int index = 0;
    QByteArray buffer(1024, 0);
    size_t size = buffer.size();
    do {
        qDebug() << oid;
        d->errno = gnutls_x509_crq_get_attribute_by_oid(d->crq,
oid.constData(), index, buffer.data(), &size);
        result << QString::fromUtf8(buffer);
        qDebug() << d->errno << gnutls_strerror(d->errno) << buffer;
    } while(GNUTLS_E_SUCCESS == d->errno);
    return result;

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