[gnutls-help] I can't execute the lines from example server

Rm Beer rmbeer2 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 27 19:27:57 CEST 2017

Have problem with this example of the Server:

Get error in "PERFORMANCE:%SERVER_PRECEDENCE" and can't continue.

I unknown why fail, unknown how to continue for take any data about of the
problem. Anyone helpme with this?
I also remove osrp and crl lines and still not work. Not found the
SERVER_PRECEDENCE in the man help.
i test all in openssl s_server/s_client for all certificates of pair
key/cert for server and pair key/cert of client and with 1 CA for both. All
certs is OK. (Also use from example for client from other web of gnutls)

Never work with PERFOMANCE...
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