Here are the Zeros

Werner Koch
Tue Dec 18 20:54:02 2001


I don't know whether this will be useful, but I released a few
packages with pretty low version numbers.  At least this should avoid
the autoconf problems.

You will find them in

  libksba-0.0.0.tar.gz   (227k)
  newpg-0.0.0.tar.gz     (219k)
  gpinentry-0.0.0.tar.gz (114k)

To build these packages you need to build the latest version of
libgcrypt first; fortunately I have released this version today,
you will find it in

  libgcrypt-1.1.5.tar.gz (613k)
  libgcrypt-1.1.4-1.1.5.diff.gz (176k)

Except for libgcrypt all the stuff is in a pre-alpha state and should
never be used with anything else but test data and test keys.  If you
don't know what this is all about, see

Happy hacking,


Werner Koch        Omnis enim res, quae dando non deficit, dum habetur
g10 Code GmbH      et non datur, nondum habetur, quomodo habenda est.
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