[issue20] certmanager: incorrect message when importing certificate from file

Bernhard Herzog aegypten-issues at intevation.de
Mon Jan 12 19:33:39 CET 2004

New submission from Bernhard Herzog <bh at intevation.de>:

When importing a certificate from a file with the certmanager 
and the certificate cannot be imported because e.g. the CA's certificate
has not been imported yet, the message is wrong as it says that the import was
successful when it really wasn't.  The dialog says:

Zertifikatsdatei erfolgreich importiert. Zusätzliche Informationen:
<skipped_new>0 1</skipped_new>

messages: 49
nosy: bh
status: unread
title: certmanager: incorrect message when importing certificate from file
topic: certmanager
Aegypten issue tracker <aegypten-issues at intevation.de>

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