[issue30] Roundup topic/nosy help don't initialise the checkboxes to the current list.

Marc Mutz aegypten-issues at intevation.de
Wed Jan 14 16:55:14 CET 2004

New submission from Marc Mutz <marc at klaralvdalens-datakonsult.se>:

Take a bug with nosy's or topic's listed and click on the corresponding (list) 
link. In the help dialog that opens, select a user/topic and click Apply 
-> the old users/topics are replaced by the new selection 
Expected behaviour: 
-> either the selected users/topics are added, or the checkboxes should be 
initialised to the current nosy list/topics first.

assignedto: admin
messages: 73
nosy: admin, marc
priority: minor bug
status: unread
title: Roundup topic/nosy help don't initialise the checkboxes to the current list.
topic: RoundUp
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