[issue197] key selector allows selection of clientAuth keys for encryption

Bernhard Herzog aegypten-issues at intevation.de
Wed May 12 19:14:31 CEST 2004

New submission from Bernhard Herzog <bh at intevation.de>:

The keyselector used in kmail tries to only allow keys usable for a given
purpose.  This doesn't work properly for certificates which have an
extendedKeyUsage that only contains clientAuth.  The attached file contains such
a certificate.  KMail lets the user select this certificate as an encryption
certificate even though it correctly disallows certificates that don't have
keyEncipherment in their keyUsage for instance.

When the a mail is sent and is to be encrypted with the attached certificate
gpgsm correctly rejects it.

assignedto: marc
files: aegyptentest9-client-auth.pem
messages: 960
nosy: bh, marc
priority: bug
status: unread
title: key selector allows selection of clientAuth keys for encryption
topic: KMail
Aegypten issue tracker <aegypten-issues at intevation.de>
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Name: aegyptentest9-client-auth.pem
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