[issue209] moving pgp encrypted between imap folders

Jean-Damien Durand aegypten-issues at intevation.de
Mon May 31 23:01:31 CEST 2004

New submission from Jean-Damien Durand <Jean-Damien.Durand at cern.ch>:

Dear experts, 
I observed that, in KMail, moving a pgp-encrypted message between (my) imap 
folders leaves the mail non-decryptable by gnupg 1.9.3, but moving it to the 
local folder, then to the same imap folder makes it okay for decryption. 
./.. I hope this was not yet reported - sorry if this is the case. 
I attach a small tarball containing a directory test1+2 where: 
- there is a README giving my configuration (in particular I run a gnupg with a 
small and uncorrelated [I believe] patch) 
- I compare the output of 2 mails ('saved as') and the output of gpg -vd on 
them: one mail moved directly (-> failure of gpg), one mail moved via local (-> 
ok for gpg). 
Please note that using native gnupg 1.9.3 and KMail I had encrypted mails 
containing an empty armor that gnupg itself cannot decrypt - this is the reason 
of the patch. 
Thanks a lot, Regards, Jean-Damien.

files: test1+2.tar.gz
messages: 1028
nosy: jdurand
priority: bug
status: unread
title: moving pgp encrypted between imap folders
Aegypten issue tracker <aegypten-issues at intevation.de>
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