[issue258] Misleading error messages if (OpenPGP) backend is disabled

Ingo Klöcker aegypten-issues at intevation.de
Fri Oct 1 17:24:21 CEST 2004

New submission from Ingo Klöcker <kloecker at kde.org>:

If I disable the gpgme/OpenPGP backend while a composer is open I can enable  
signing/encryption (which is okay because of kpgp), but trying to send the 
message will result in misleading error messages. 
When I try to send the message I get a message box "Send &Unsigned" "You have 
requested to sign this message, but no valid signing keys have been configured 
for this identity. If you choose to continue, no signing will be 
performed." (According to the KDE GUI style guide the Continue button SHOULD 
have the text "Send Unsigned" which I've just fixed in HEAD.) and,  
after continuing, I get the message box "Send &Unencrypted" "You have requested  
to encrypt this message, and to encrypt a copy to yourself, but no valid  
trusted encryption keys have been configured for this identity." (Here the user  
isn't even told that the message will be send unencrypted if he clicks on  
Continue. That's actually a small security problem because the user might  
unintentionally send a message unencrypted. I've also fixed this in HEAD by 
putting the text "Send Unencrypted" on the Continue button.)

messages: 1546
nosy: ingo
priority: bug
status: unread
title: Misleading error messages if (OpenPGP) backend is disabled
Aegypten issue tracker <aegypten-issues at intevation.de>

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