pinentry-gtk-2 SIGABRT when unable to grab keyboard

Koos Pol kp2010 at
Tue Apr 27 20:24:01 CEST 2010

On maandag 26 april 2010, Werner Koch wrote:

> It is actually intended that you can't use a password manager -
> gpg-agent is the password manager!  If it would be possible to cut and
> paste between windows other programs could do this as well; we try to
> make this harder by grabbing the keyboard.  Put "no-grab" into
> gpg-agent.conf if you don't like this feature.

I miss this dearly. I'd like to use strong passwords generated by KeepassX, 
but the inability to copy/paste makes this impossible. Hence I use one easy to 
remember password for all my keys. If there is any way around, I'd want to be 
the first to know :-)


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