
George Pauliuc pauliuc@gmx.net
18 Nov 2002 21:07:32 +0200

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On Lu, 2002-11-18 at 16:45, Werner Koch wrote:
> Oh Dear, what a mess. And I thought the Euro symbol is a hard problem
> ;-)

Yea.  Remeber that saying "smile, it can get wose". ;-)

> I'd suggest to settle on utf-8 (even with Emacs having a problem) and
> suggest to use ER for non-ascii characters.  Don't know what to do with
> Asian languages and Cyrillic though. =20

UTF-8 is the most graceful solution.  At least for the development
part.  But what about the output, the pages that will be delivered to
the user of the browser?  If Unicode support is broken for Romanian, I
bet it is broken for other languages as well.  And XP is still the
latest Microsoft technology.  Don't know about XP2003 ;-)

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