(no subject)

Lorenzo Cappelletti l.cappelletti@mail.com
Tue, 19 Nov 2002 15:47:13 +0100

Hi all,

after reading the long thread about encoding, I've got a proposal for you which aims to be simple yet complete.

1. Translator of lang LL (en, de, ...) chooses the encoding ENC (UTF-8, Latin10, ...) that best suits their needs.

2. Since no information is stored in text (thus .wml) file about encoding, they can translate a .wml file using their favorite text editor and encoding ENC.

Translator's editor *must not* corrupt others' translations by simply opening and saving the .wml file!

For those of you who needs images for proper language symbol rendering (Romanian), I can provide some WML custom tags to make life easier.

3. Final .html.LL file will be made of text in plain ASCII (mainly tags) and translated text in encoding ENC.  No re-encoding is performed.

HTML header will be filled out with these attributes:


In the future we can think to adopt po4a mechanism (http://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/po4a/).

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