Don't break existing links!

George Pauliuc
06 Dec 2002 16:26:02 +0200

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On Vi, 2002-12-06 at 11:50, Lorenzo Cappelletti wrote:
> I know of 3 methods for redirection:
> 1. symbolic links

As you said, it has one big minus - everybody will think that is the
same page.  When it isn't.  If you'd use some server-side scripting it
might be one solution to make two includes: first, one with an
anouncement like "the new page is at..." and second the actual page.

> 2. meta tag time-out redirection

It isn't portable as long as you give the full URL
"".  If you use something
like "./new/directory/file.html" or "../../directory/file.html" should
work well with mirrors as well.

> 3. web server configuration

This is a no IMHO as you have such a clean code right now and tend to
follow the standards meaning portability.

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