Reading new key packages (Re: Coexistence with OpenPGP/IETF)

Nickolay Olshevsky o.nickolay at
Tue Jan 16 12:48:47 CET 2024

I mean problems which were brought in the aforementioned thread (quoting 

> - it's not clear how to populate the fields in an encrypt-then-sign
>    scenario
> - they make it impossible to be able to cleanly detach and reattach
>    signatures
> - when those fields are sometimes signed (v5) and sometimes not (v4),
>    it's difficult to act on them safely

All of these may be resolved on implementation level, not the standard 

 From my side there are no additional problems: compared with rfc 4880, 
where literal fields are not signed at all, this brings at least no less 

On 15.01.2024 20:51, Andrew Gallagher wrote:
>> As for me it looks good as would solve problems brought up in the list (however, I doubt whether those problems are real).
> Which particular problems do you mean? At least one implementation says they implement reattachment of detached signatures; I’m not sure about the rest though.
> A

   Best regards,
   Nickolay Olshevsky
   o.nickolay at
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