LibrePGP in Thunderbird, maybe treat it as optional

Werner Koch wk at
Tue Feb 13 11:36:35 CET 2024

On Tue, 13 Feb 2024 10:44, Kai Engert said:
> On 13.02.24 08:26, Bernhard Reiter via LibrePGP-discuss wrote:
>> It is good if GnuPG were to be used as crypto backend
> GnuPG cannot be used as Thunderbird's default crypto backend. Because
> the licenses are incompatible, Thunderbird must not bundle GnuPG. But

Just for the records: That is simply not true.  Thunderbird already uses
LGPL-2+ code and thus there is no reason not to use GPGME which uses the
same license.  Of course TB should not bundle GnuPG - no other mail
client on Unix does this either and adding a suggestion or automatic
install of Gpg4win, as Enigmail did, is not much of a problem.

I am actually glad to see that TB uses RNP.  I'd only wish that TB makes
uses of the RNP features and implements OpenPGP as well as Enigmail did.
That is way ore important than discussing details of packet formats
which are anyway handled by RNP for TB.

> Because v5 is incompatible with the other parts of the ecosystem,

Please don't spread such BS.  v5 support has long been deployed by the
major implementations.  We just don't yet create keys in that format for
improved backward compatibility.  However, if you see an X448 key it
will be a v5 key.

> If the supporters of LibrePGP want to benefit from this convenience,
> they could consider to adopt the v6 key format, or work with the
> OpenPGP IETF working group to define a common key format, that's

We have all seen that working with the IETF OpenPGP WG is not possible
and the sole reason why we had to establish a new name for OpenPGP.
[please take any further discussion on this to other mailing lists]



The pioneers of a warless world are the youth that
refuse military service.             - A. Einstein
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