Brainpool removed from crypto-refresh PQC spec

Werner Koch wk at
Mon May 27 16:20:21 CEST 2024


The IETF OpenPGP WG just released draft-ietf-openpgp-pqc-03.txt with
this surprising change [1]:

  * Removed NIST and Brainpool curve hybrids, dropped ECDSA from the	
    current specification.	

I wonder why the BSI now favors dropping of Brainpool as part of the
composite encryption algorithms and demand a Bernstein curve - one of
the authors works at the BSI.

Note that the LibrePGP specification explictly marks Brainpool as
SHOULD-implement algorithm for composite PQC encryption.




The pioneers of a warless world are the youth that
refuse military service.             - A. Einstein
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