libgcrypt and patches again

Werner Koch wk at
Mon Oct 10 11:03:03 CEST 2005

On Sun, 9 Oct 2005 18:45:15 +0200 (CEST), Dirk Stoecker said:

> so on. So I have a bit of experience in these fields. I sometimes heard 
> the "This does not work" or "This is hard to do" (and also said this 
> sometimes myself), but usually it is not that complicated as one may 
> think.

It is not a matter whether it is complicated or not. We care about the
code complexity - each and every line adds to it.  If you provide ways
to make the code less complex by keeping the API, it is more likely
that that this will make it into Libgcrypt.

Sorry, I see no way to apply a patch for the sake of Valgrind.



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