Project Ägypten with OpenSC?

Juha Yrjölä
Mon Dec 3 23:34:01 2001

Hi all,

Have you made any plans yet on what API to use to interface with
smartcards? Or are you dead-set on implementing your own (which seems to
be the trend these days)?

I've been coding on this library on my spare time (can be found at I was searching the net for S/MIME
related stuff with Open Source projects, and came upon project Ägypten
(for which I assume this list is the right channel to discuss these
matters). This seems perfect for my needs, ie. support for mutt and some
graphical MUA support.

You even seem to be implementing a (semi-)secure way ask a PIN code from
the user. Which is good.

So I was wondering, is there any need for a flexible smartcard library
with a low-level abstraction (it won't require PC/SC Lite)? I might
could code the glue between OpenSC and Ägypten.

	Juha Yrjölä