gcrypt.m4 and libgcrypt-config mismatched

Moritz Schulte mo at g10code.com
Sun Nov 30 22:35:50 CET 2003

Neil Spring <nspring at cs.washington.edu> writes:


> diff found no differences between my system's libgcrypt.m4 and the
> libgcrypt.m4 in libgnutls-1.1.44.

That was the bug: Libgcrypt's AM_PATH_LIBGCRYPT should have been
updated to comply with the new usage of libgcrypt-config; it's fixed
in CVS.  You can simply remove the `=...' part following to

((gpg-key-id . "6F984199")
 (email      . "moritz at duesseldorf.ccc.de")
 (webpage    . "http://duesseldorf.ccc.de/~moritz/"))

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