Data type conversions

Sergi Blanch i Torné sergi at
Fri Jan 8 11:52:46 CET 2010


As you may already read, I am trying to implement the "ECC in
OpenPGP". The ecdh algorithm, that is a pubkey encryption algorithm
requires a hash and a symmetric encryption in a lower level. This
means, from the point of view of the data, that I have to transform
'gcry_mpi_t' data form/to 'byte*'. In the libgcrypt documentation I
didn't find a method for this conversion.

If there is not, now can be useful, but to propose an implementation
for that I have to know something more. Maybe only reading limbs byte
by byte is enough, but endian issues can come because a limb are more
than one byte.

Do you have any information for this conversions? Thanks.


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