Computer Science bachelor degree thesis on Libgcrypt

Marcio Barbado, Jr. marcio.barbado at
Wed Feb 8 03:34:31 CET 2017


While we're a tad confused with your silence, our excitement in 
studying GnuPG remains unscathed (e.g: we've been trying to identify and 
understand the main differences between OpenPGP and X.509). This feels 
like approaching a kung fu master in the very top of a mountain when 
he's meditating. He listens to the eager novices' claims but doesn't 
even open his eyes.

Well, we've been browsing GnuPG's bug tracker, searching for minor bugs 
and features, but except for Issue2056, which involves an OS we're not 
really able to work with, we could not find Libgcrypt stuff.

Other than the mentioned ticket, performing simple queries with 
"gcrypt" and "libgcrypt" (they don't return equivalent results) has 
provided us with resolved issues only.

Also, we did read the TODO file of Libgcrypt, where we found apparently 
interesting stuff to deal with. But they're not detailed like the 
Roundup items so we're kinda lost.

Surely we know our work may not be useful for you after all (though we 
dream of the opposite) but some basic guidance would be fairly 
appreciated. For example, should we post on another mailing list or is 
this the proper one for algorithmic code development?


Em 20.12.2016 12:57, Marcio Barbado, Jr. escreveu:
> Hi,
> I'm a computer science student from Brazil, and a long time user of 
> GnuPG.
> In 2017 -- last year for completion of my bachelor degree, my group
> is supposed to start working on a thesis, which should include
> algorithmic code development.
> After some months considering what we could do, "trying to help the
> GnuPG community" emerged as a worthy idea, so we're now reading the
> "The Ligbgcrypt Reference Manual" document in order to understand it
> better.
> Also, we're questioning how feasible that idea is for us to
> accomplish. And from such considerations, we first thought of
> analyzing eventual Libgcrypt bug tracking entries, or something like
> that.
> But even before that, we would like to know what you Libgcrypt people
> think of all this.
> Regards, and happy birthday, GnuPG!
> Marcio Barbado, Jr.
> _______________________________________________
> Gcrypt-devel mailing list
> Gcrypt-devel at

Marcio Barbado, Jr.

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