Alternative Gnuk token board design

Rigas, Evangelos e.rigas at
Thu Mar 21 15:37:48 CET 2019

On Thu, 2019-03-21 at 13:43 +0100, Peter Lebbing wrote:
> And a nice touch to include a design for the pogo pins.

Thanks Peter.
I plan to design a PCB (some sort of a jig) for programming. That way
it will be easier to make, instead of relying on expensive 3D printers.

As for the gold platting of the connector, you are right. That is why I
ordered the PCB with ENIG (Immersion Gold).
Is not the same quality as hard gold, but an order of magnitude

In addition, ENIG offers better planarity on the exposed pads which
helps with SMD soldering; compared to the default hot air solder
leveling (HASL) process.



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