Fehler bei verifizierung von signierten Dateien

Werner Koch wk at gnupg.org
Mi Apr 18 09:44:15 CEST 2007

On Tue, 17 Apr 2007 21:05, gnupg_de at furao.de said:

> gpg: Error writing to `dateiname': exceeded --max-output limit

Die Option 

  --max-output N

  This option sets a limit on the number of bytes that will be generated
  when processing a file. Since OpenPGP supports various levels of
  compression, it is possible that the plaintext of a given message may
  be significantly larger than the original OpenPGP message. While GnuPG
  works properly with such messages, there is often a desire to set a
  maximum file size that will be generated before processing is forced
  to stop by the OS limits. Defaults to 0, which means "no limit".

wurde benutzt.

> Kurz noch ne Info zum benutzten System: GnuPG 1.4.7 mit GPGShell v3.60 

[ Tja, wenn man proprietäre Software wie GPGShell benutzt kann man
  schonmal überrascht sein. SCNR.]

