>From woes

Tim Walberg walberg at cig.mot.com
Wed Dec 16 09:29:12 CET 1998

On 12/16/1998 13:47 +0100, Thomas Roessler wrote:
>>	On Wed, Dec 16, 1998 at 09:15:39AM +0100, Werner Koch wrote:
>>	>> What is the incantation to tell gpg to escape "From-space" lines
>>	>> when doing ascii amour or --clearsig?  It seems that the pgp
>>	>> versions 2.6.3a and 5.0 that I have access to are doing "- From "
>>	>> lines for ascii amour text without being told anything special.
>>	> Because I think a MUA should cope with these starnge things.
>>	I disagree.  Clear signing is often used with primitive MUAs which
>>	tend to know nothing about PGP and (often) don't do the escaping
>>	themselves.
>>	Thus, having gpg escape "From " lines would be seriously useful.
>>	tlr

Besides, it seems to me that having an MUA escape "From " lines after
the message has been signed would seriously mess up signatures... It's
bad enough to have to deal with CR vs CR/LF vs LF... I think this really
needs to be done by the signing agent (whether it's GPG, PGP, or any other
similar package). Either that, or the signature verification utilities
have to know enough to un-escape "From "...


| Tim Walberg                          | Phone:  (847) 632-3407             |
| Motorola CE/ITS                      | Pager:  (800) SKY-TEL2 PIN:1384689 |
| 1475 W Shure Dr. IL75-2H14           | FAX:    (847) 632-5769             |
| Arlington Heights, IL 60004          |                                    |
| http://www.cig.mot.com/~walberg      | E-mail: walberg at cig.mot.com,       |
| http://www.skytel.com/Paging (pager) |         1384689 at skytel.com (pager) |
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