Ron Echeverri rone at B1FF.nas.nasa.gov
Mon Nov 9 18:40:22 CET 1998

Edward S. Marshall writes:
  On Mon, 9 Nov 1998, Holger Schurig wrote:
  > However, we can make them much more human-friendly if we look if stdin 
  > is a TTY and emit a nice message. If the program is used as a filter, 
  > then stdin is not bound to a TTY. The case that someone types in text 
  > directly into GnuPG is very, very rare.
  Strongly disagree. This prevents me from cutting and pasting text to GPG
  in an xterm, telnet window, or on the Linux console, which I do with
  startling regularity. ;-)
How about running it as "gpg - "?  
Ron Echeverri			Numerical Aerospace Simulation Facility
DSS/Usenet Administrator	NASA Ames Research Center
Internet Sysop			Mountain View, CA
<rone at nas.nasa.gov>		x42771

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