gpg: fatal: zlib inflate problem

Werner Koch wk at
Sat Nov 14 10:26:53 CET 1998

Cees van de Griend <cees-list at> writes:

> There were no errors with 'minigzip' from zlib-1.0.3, so I presume the
> errors are not in but in gpg.
> Also there were no errors with a 1024 bits key, only with a 2048 bits
> key and large text files.

The key is not compressed, and the session key used is 128 or 168
bits.  So it is a matter of the message size.   The problem may be
that gpg does not gve constant chunks of data to zlib but may provide
some hundered bytes and then some K.  I assume there is a problem in
the buffering code (either in GnuPG or zlib).

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