Bug in iobuf_cancel() (patch included)

Werner Koch wk at isil.d.shuttle.de
Mon Sep 7 14:54:44 CEST 1998

Michael Roth <mroth at nessie.de> writes:

> Hi,
> their is a bug in iobuf_cancel(): When you create a IOBUF for stdout with
> iobuf_create() then this IOBUF get the filename "[stdout]" assigned.
> Then at some time later if iobuf_cancel() get called on this IOBUF in case
> of a failure or so, iobuf_cancel() try to remove a file named "[stdout]". 
> If their is a file with this name in the current directory say goodbye to
> this file... :-\
> I included a patch that adds a new flag to the file_filter_ctx_t to
> determine if the filename is really a true filename.

Thanks.  I changed this nearly the same way you suggested.


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