Fix for compiling 0.9.2 via RPM

Fabio Coatti cova at
Thu Jan 21 21:11:34 CET 1999

On Thu, Jan 21, 1999 at 01:23:25AM -0600, James H. Cloos Jr. wrote:

> RPM adds an extra -O2 flag, so this small patch is required if you are
> using a version of gcc which goes into an infinite loop compiling
> twofish.c w/ optimization:

I've noticed this... this happens only with last version of twofish.c, 
yesterday I've build gnupg from latest CVS and all went fine.
rpm adds platform specific options, as stated in /usr/lib/rpmrc.
Can this considered a bug of gcc? (at least of egcs 1.0.2)
I can remove the use of platform specific compilations flag in spec
file, if this can cause problems.
(I'm courious to discover the change in twofish.c that causes this

Fabio Coatti               
Ferrara Linux Users Group
GnuPG fp:6AB9 277E 9AA7 9D20 E82C  9EE7 2D17 E351 3DCB 0CDC
Old SysOps never die... they simply forget their password.

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