
Werner Koch wk at isil.d.shuttle.de
Mon May 10 19:47:20 CEST 1999

"Juergen A. Erhard" <jae at jae.ddns.org> writes:

> Oh the horror... I don't know whether anyone noticed, but a recent
> 0.9.5b from CVS did generate this file when I decrypted an encrypted

You have seen the (b) and read the onformation about the CVS?
It may even not compile - so if you want to use such a version you may
screw up.  

> Is this removed?  Or how do I configure gnupg so it isn't?  I'd assume
> this to be off by default (if it's necessary).

Use the Source Luke.  And have a look at the compiler warnings.

Werner Koch at guug.de           www.gnupg.org           keyid 621CC013

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