GnuPG, error compiling

Werner Koch wk at
Thu May 20 12:14:58 CEST 1999

Dirk Meyer <dirk.meyer at> writes:

> nope, I hit it for 15 minutes, nothing happens after this message.
> And it is every time 20 Bytes, regradless what I do.

Sorry, I don't know what happens there.  strace is your friend.

> Please notice that even if you add "idea"
> you will be not able to crpyt to users of old "pgp2".

You are (just tested).  But cou cant pipe the data to gpg becuase this
will create partial length packet which pgp2 can't handle.

  gpg --rfc1991 --cipher-algo whatever-algo-you-want  plaintex

should work.  If you have a --encrypt-to in your options you may also
want to use --no-encrypt-to, so that there is no ELG paket in the

Werner Koch at            keyid 621CC013

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