Alpha Version for Win32

Werner Koch wk at
Fri Sep 24 13:22:44 CEST 1999

dnl <dnl at> writes:

> But when you *clearsig* an ANSI text file (the Windows text format), the
> end of the comment "Hash: SHA1" and the end of the first line of text seem

The reason is that I create the output stream in binary mode, I can
see wether it is possible to switch to the MSDOS provides text mode.

> In fact, there is no word wrap at all... Is it normal, or is there an

There should not be any wrod wrap - you want to sign the message as it
is and not some rendered version of the message (which might get
another meaning due to word wrapping).

> - When you export a public key, it would be cool to have the ASCII armure
> version by default without specifiying the -a option. Only for the export
> public key, of course, not for all functions. 

I don't think that the -a is a good think at all.  There are MIME
types defined for the transport of keys. 

I even don't think that sending ascii stuff to a keyserver is a must;
we have a 8-bit clean channel and therefore it is best to use binary
(if the keysever would support it).

> - The comment: "For info see" in the asc files stays
> in english with the french language file. Perhaps the configuration file

Put a line 

comment "visite s.v.p."

or somthing like this in you options file.

Werner Koch at            keyid 621CC013

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