Questions about GPGME / GnuPG library

Jos? C. García Sogo jose at
Tue Dec 5 15:31:59 CET 2000

 I have been looking at the functions gpgme has and it looks good for encrypting, verifyng text, but it lacks a lot of useful things. It should be able to encript/sign files and to make some editing keys, in order to be complete.

 Werner, do you inted to implement this?
 Personally, I'd like to have a gnupg library, not a wrapper around it. Really I don't undestand why it can not be done. It would be very usefull for those people (as me) writing programs for the Gnome /KDE desktops... If we want people using cryptography, we have to achieve that they don't have to go to the command line for signing a key or adding an uid to the keyring.

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