Hello, and ideas

darkewolf darke at indigo.net.au
Sat Jul 22 01:18:58 CEST 2000

I am new to  this mailing list, so I don't know of  the protocols in use
here, if any, for postings.

I have a feature proposal, which to me is logical, and adds an important
piece of functionality to GnuPG.

The  first part  of the  feature, involves  being able  to mark  certain
keyrings  as  'Read  Only'.  In  particular this  should  be  for  files
that  are  definately designed  to  be  system  wide. An  example  would
be  the  Debian   developer  public  keyring  that   is  available,  via
[/usr/share/keyrings/debian-keyring.gpg]  if   the  proper   package  is

The second  part of  the feature is  to allow people  to 'edit'  keys in
'Read  Only'  keyrings.  By  doing  this, a  copy  is  made  into  their
'Read/Write' public keyring  in [.gnupg/]. This way, if  someone met one
of  the  debian developers  and  gained  some  sort  of trust  of  their
identity, they  could add their  own trust  factor about that  key. They
could even  sign it themselves,  however, this has  to be keep  local to
themselves, until the owner redistributes  their public key with the new

Now, are features like this planned?  Do they make sense to anyone else?
I know this can  be done manually (at least the  key migration can), but
need they be done manually?

Thank you for listening to my rambling,

Peter 'darkewolf' Crystal 
email   : darke at debian.org || darke at indigo.net.au || darkewolf at cyberpunks.org
url     : http://cyberpunks.org/darke/homepage.phtml
url     : http://netverse.sourceforge.net/
url     : http://walledcity.sourceforge.net/
gpg key : http://cyberpunks.org/keys/darke_gpg.asc 

Programming , Webdesign, AI theory, Paranoia, System Administration, 
Network Design, Problem Solutions, System Engineer

  A disciple of another sect once came  to Drescher as he was eating his
morning meal. "I would like to give you this personality test", said the
outsider, "because I want you to be happy." Drescher took the paper that
was offered him and put it into the toaster, saying: "I wish the toaster
to be happy, too."

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