gpg roadmap

Stephane Corthesy stephane at
Fri Dec 14 20:18:01 CET 2001

> > I'd like to know if there is a roadmap for the development of gpg   
> > and gpgme: when can we expect which features? I've read the TODOs,   
> > but there are no dates...
> Are you looking for something in particular?

Yes. I'm working in the MacGPG group; we wrote an ObjC wrapper  
around gpgme, and we would like to write a key manager application on  
MacOS X; it would be nice if we could continue to wrap gpgme calls  
in ObjC for this :-) instead of parsing gpg output as well as feeding  
its stdin...
I have ObjC skills, but no plain C style skills.

When will gpg 1.1 be released? And gpgme 0.3? How's the gpg agent?


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