Signatures on keys

Timo Schulz twoaday at
Thu May 10 19:56:01 CEST 2001

On Thu May 10 2001, Miroslav Koncar wrote:


> I have a question for the GPGME users and developers: what function 
> call or argument should I use to get information about signatures on
> the public keys in my pubring? I can't seem to be able to find it...

AFAIK there is not such a function in GPGME. But I wrote a parser
for the '--list-sigs --with-colons' command. If you are interested
you can find it in the last WinPT source. The GPGME code is useable
or W32 and Linux. The file is called siglist.c. But you also need
the context from mycontext.h and at least to add the info into the


If you've some question about the code, feel free to mail me.

Two-a-Day at    keyid BF3DF9B4

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