Fwd: GPG incompatibilities with PGP 7.0.3

Gordon Worley redbird at rbisland.cx
Thu Aug 22 18:29:02 CEST 2002

I received this message recently.  It doesn't seem to be Darwin 
specific.  Maybe it's a know bug, but I didn't know about it.

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Urban Nilsson <urban at oops.se>
> Date: Thu Aug 22, 2002  05:45:01  AM US/Eastern
> To: redbird at rbisland.cx
> Subject: GPG incompatibilities with PGP 7.0.3
> When I encrypt a mail from PGP 7.0.3 on windows, the only thing wrong 
> with it is the linefeed on the blank line after the "Version:.."-line. 
> It contains a 0xa0 (not linefeed). If I copy and paste the message into 
> vi and remove that extraneous character, GPG will decrypt the message 
> correctly on the command line. Otherwise it will complain about an 
> illegal character.
> I really don't know if you are the right person to tell this, but I'm 
> betting that you know that person.
> If you need any other information about my platforms or setup, please 
> feel free to contact me at urban at oops.se
> /U

Gordon Worley - Mac GPG Project
http://macgpg.sourceforge.net/              ``Doveriai no proveriai.''
redbird at rbisland.cx                                --Russian proverb
PGP:  0xBBD3B003

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