Bug in GPGME's edit key interface

Miguel Coca e970095 at zipi.fi.upm.es
Thu Aug 22 20:37:04 CEST 2002

On Thu, Aug 22, 2002 at 16:46:04 +0200, Marcus Brinkmann wrote:
> I will have to work on this, but it will take a while until I come up with a
> sound design for this.

Thanks. For now, the other solution works fine, so it's not a problem.

> When the operation terminates, you should see the error value you returned
> (if not, let me know).

Yes, that works, and wasn't even too ugly :-)

Miguel Coca                                         e970095 at zipi.fi.upm.es
PGP Key 0x27FC3CA8                         http://zipi.fi.upm.es/~e970095/

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