GPGME Public Key Deletion Problem

Thanga Prakash S thanga at
Thu Jul 25 09:44:02 CEST 2002

GPGME 0.3.8
	In gpgme/rungpg.c,
		 i added a fix PUBLIC_KEY_DEL_FIX as below

_gpgme_gpg_op_delete (GpgObject gpg, GpgmeKey key, int allow_secret)
  GpgmeError err;

  err = _gpgme_gpg_add_arg (gpg, "--yes");
#endif /* #ifdef PUBLIC_KEY_DEL_FIX */

  err = _gpgme_gpg_add_arg (gpg, allow_secret
                            ? "--delete-secret-and-public-key"
                            : "--delete-key");

and compile fully...

Now, i am able to delete public key with allow_secret as 0.

Without this fix, i can't able to delete the public key from the keyring.. 
(When the public key doesn't have its secret key in the keyring)

Is there any problem/issues regarding this fix?

thanks and regards,
S. Thanga Prakash.

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