Changes from 1.0.6 to 1.0.7

Stéphane Corthésy stephane at
Sat Jun 15 12:59:01 CEST 2002


One of the changes from 1.0.6 to 1.0.7 causes me some problems.

When encrypting data (in a non-interactive way), I use the following 

gpg --recipient RECIPIENT_1 --recipient RECIPIENT_2 --batch --no-tty 
--charset iso-8859-1 --textmode --armor --encrypt

With gpg 1.0.6, if one of the keys was not signed by me, command 
returned an error. This is no longer the case with gpg 1.0.7, but 
unsigned keys are not used for encryption. Are there some options in gpg 
1.0.7 which would give me the same behavior as with 1.0.6?



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