Cover Your Tracks

Bolder Computer Solutions
Wed May 8 20:14:02 2002

                                             Cover your Tracks

We at Bolder Computer Solutions have been looking for a software developer that has the state of the art software programs, at the right price, which can protect all of us on the Internet. We found Elite Code Runner!!! Elite Code Runner has products designed at blocking Hackers from your computer, software designed to delete all traces of your surfing and also your document and history files, and software to let you know where your children, your employees, your friends, and anyone that uses your computer, have gone when they are using your computer. 

                                                 Trace Breaker

Trace Breaker is a software program that is designed to erase all traces of your travels around the Internet. We have also added the ability to this software programs to clear all your history files from the internet, clear your cookies, delete the typed URL's, Windows Recent files, Office Recent files, and your Document files. These are all user selectable allowing you to keep the files you choose.

Trace Breaker $ 49.95

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Address :____________________________________________________________
City State Zip______________________________________  _____   ___________
Amount Enclosed :_$______________

                      We except company checks or Money orders.
***** Add $6.95 shipping and Handling for each package you order. *****
***** Make all checks payable to Bolder Computer Solutions.            *****
Mail to:

Bolder Computer Solutions
27 Shethar Street
P.O. Box 25
Hammondsport, NY 14840-0025

Shipping as soon as checks clear. Immediately with Money orders.

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