gnupg-1.0.7: missing dependencies in checks/Makefile
Andreas Haumer
Thu May 9 13:34:02 2002
I found a small problem in the checks/Makefile for gnupg-1.0.7
Some of the checks there need a script "gpg_dearmor", which
itself is created by make on the fly. But this dependency
is not explicitly listed in the Makefile, so a "make -j2"
(or any build with more than one job running simultaneously)
fails on our Dual CPU development server.
I'd suggest to add "gpg_dearmor" to the dependency section of
all make targets where this script is used (just like it
already is for target "./pubring.gpg")
- andreas
Andreas Haumer |
*x Software + Systeme |
Karmarschgasse 51/2/20 | Tel: +43-1-6060114-0
A-1100 Vienna, Austria | Fax: +43-1-6060114-71