email check not rfc 822 compliant

5468696A6D656E thijmen at
Sat Nov 16 18:39:01 CET 2002

The email check is not fully rfc 822 compliant.
When i try to enter the email address:
"this is a valid email address" or
"this is an valid email"."using quoted strings"

it says it's invalid.

I've changed the appropriate routine like this:

static int
has_invalid_email_chars( const char *s )
    int at_seen=0;
    int quoted=0;
    static char valid_chars[] = "01234567890_-."

    for( ; *s; s++ ) {
        if( *s & 0x80 )
            return 1;
        if(!quoted && *s == '@' )
        else if( !at_seen && !quoted && *s == '\"')
            quoted = 1;
        else if( !at_seen && quoted && *s == '\"')
	    quoted = 0;//end of quoted string, next char *should* be a @ or .
            if (strlen(s) < 2  || (s[1] != '@' && s[1] != '.' ))
              return 1;
        else if( !at_seen && !quoted && !( !!strchr( valid_chars, *s ) || *s == '+' ) )
            return 1;
        else if( at_seen && !strchr( valid_chars, *s ) )
            return 1;
    return 0;

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