Stray null bytes in output data object from gpgme_op_edit()?

Dr.Stefan.Dalibor at Dr.Stefan.Dalibor at
Thu Oct 24 21:41:01 CEST 2002

this might be a bit premature, as gpgme_op_edit() (even with test
module) is contained in GPGME 0.3.12, but not yet documented...

Anyway, if the output in the data object passed as 5th argument
to gpgme_op_edit() (i.e. the output of the GnuPG process while being
in key edit mode) is converted into a string by gpgme_data_read(),
stray null bytes are copied into this string... I suppose these are
remnants of the I/O buffering when reading from the pipe to the
GnuPG process.
I don't know if this qualifies as bug, but if not, IMHO it should
be documented in bold letters :).


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