Revoked UID and subkey is shown when listing secret keyring

Dirk Traulsen dirk.traulsen at
Sun Dec 19 22:11:30 CET 2004


I tried gpg 1.4.0a for Windows on a german Windows95-Installation.
After generating a testkey, I found a bug.

As you can see in the key info, there is a revoked subkey and a 
revoked uid in the key.

C:\Programme\GnuPG>gpg --list-keys --with-colons xx
pub:f:1024:17:953A6E46FD4A4739:2004-12-18:::-:xxxx5 <x at x>::scESC:
<x at x>:
uid:r::::::8226C3E7B1F72D39A449DC2C15718CC9A267A485::x2xx5 <x at y>:

When I list the public key, it shows only the valid keys and UIDs:

C:\Programme\GnuPG>gpg -k xx
pub   1024D/FD4A4739 2004-12-18
uid                  xxxx5 <x at x>
uid                  xx3x5 <x at x>
sub   1504g/EF711C2A 2004-12-18
sub   1024g/89ECC00A 2004-12-19
sub   1024D/2BEE00B9 2004-12-19

When I list the secret keys, it shows only the valid UIDs, but 
additionally the revoked subkey (Is this intended or also a bug?):

C:\Programme\GnuPG>gpg -K xx
sec   1024D/FD4A4739 2004-12-18
uid                  xxxx5 <x at x>
uid                  xx3x5 <x at x>
ssb   1024g/61705F04 2004-12-18
ssb   1504g/EF711C2A 2004-12-18
ssb   1024g/89ECC00A 2004-12-19
ssb   1024D/2BEE00B9 2004-12-19

Now comes the inconsistency (bug?):
When I list the whole secret keyring, it shows both - the revoked 
subkey AND the revoked UID!

C:\Programme\GnuPG>gpg -K
sec   1024D/FD4A4739 2004-12-18
uid                  xxxx5 <x at x>
uid                  x2xx5 <x at y>
uid                  xx3x5 <x at x>
ssb   1024g/61705F04 2004-12-18
ssb   1504g/EF711C2A 2004-12-18
ssb   1024g/89ECC00A 2004-12-19
ssb   1024D/2BEE00B9 2004-12-19

sec   1024D/2EDFB41E 1998-11-04
uid                  Dirk Traulsen <Dirk.Traulsen at>
ssb   4096g/0B9DCED2 1998-11-04

This behavior is not connected to this key alone, but every key 
behaves like this.

I hope my information helps you.
Dirk Traulsen

PS: Don't the slashes and backslashes look really weired...
C:\Programme\GnuPG>gpg -K

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